Friday, December 7, 2007

Arguing and fighting is a waste of time

If a white person uses the N-word, it’s time to pull together and rally for our people. Yet our people are on the streets are killing their own. Like a lot of people I have been in a situation where I wanted to go out and give someone a piece of my mind, and there has been a time I felt like beating the sense out of someone, but I didn’t attempt either. The devil lost those rounds. One wrong will not right another one.
People, think before you react on something. If there is someone around you that you can’t get along with just distance yourself from that person. Arguing and fighting is a waste of time and killings are just senseless. Cowards use guns.
Our ancestors struggled and died so we could have freedom, education, and dreams come true. We have to stop the violence, especially the black on black crimes.

Lisa C. Blakeney

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