Well, it finally happened.
We got our first snowfall on Capitol Hill last week. The view outside my office window was picturesque and serene. I thought, just for a second, about how stately this building is and how honored I am to be a United States Senator.
Then my staff walked in with news that Democrats were planning to slip through more earmark-laden pork barrel spending these next few weeks in the Senate.
Well, that was all it took. The few quick moments I had to enjoy the view were over, it was time to get back to work. It was clear that the Democrats that control the U.S. Senate are not taking a break.
Democrats are determined to play Santa Claus - with your money - to everyone, everywhere. They want to spend your hard earned tax dollars like they're going out of style and they are not afraid to use the holidays as an excuse to pay off old debts to some of their cronies.
We can't let that happen.
That's why I promise to be your Grinch. What does that mean? I will stay "on guard," making sure they don't try to slip anything past the American people. $400 million dollar bridges to nowhere, multi-million dollar buildings named after current congressmen and yes, believe it or not, a Hippie Hall of Fame are all on their agenda to be snuck through before the year ends.
That's why I need your help.
You know that I will do everything in my power to stop this Congressional "Christmas spending spree." But as I fight to save your tax dollars, I am naturally limited in the time I can spend working to shore up my campaign for the upcoming year end report. This report is one more way to show Congress that the American people support the common sense stand I have taken against earmarks and wasteful spending.
Would you please consider donating to my campaign today? Please consider donating $15, $25, $50, $100 or even $1,000. I would sincerely appreciate it.
Congress would spend your money like there is no tomorrow during the holiday season and that is why I want to be your Grinch these last few weeks of 2007. Your tax dollars are important. That is why I pledge to keep your best interests at heart and continue the fight against Washington pork.
Thanks for all that you do.
Senator Jim DeMint
P.S. I promise to do everything in my power as a United States Senator to stop Democrat spending in its tracks. But I need your help to finish out the year strong. Please consider a donation today!
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