Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dear Hillary, What are you thinking?

How desperate can a few sagging poll numbers make a presidential candidate who tells us she’s not only the toughest, most experienced Democrat in the race, but the smartest?
Apparently desperate enough to drill past the scurrilous innuendo and mine for the rock-bottom ridiculous allegation. If you can’t unearth a 24 carat scandal in Senator Obama’s past, invent one. He “seems to have character issues” you tell us, because his health care plan doesn’t satisfy you. If it’s not your plan, then he must be hiding something really nasty. Oooooh! A character flaw! That’s bad enough strategy, Hillary, but your Kindergate ploy is the mother-lode. Can’t find gold? Try a little brass.
Accusing Obama of harboring some nefarious ambition to take the White House because he wrote an essay in kindergarten? Are you serious? You’re suspicious because a five year old African American child dared pen “I Want to be President When I Grow Up”? That’s a reason for voters to worry about Barack Obama’s character? His moral authenticity? Are all of us vulnerable to attack because of things we said--or wrote--in kindergarten?
When I was that age I told everyone who’d stop long enough to listen that I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be a ballerina. And a nun. Both. At the same time. What does that say about my character? That slyly pursuing both careers simultaneously would ensure success when dancing became a habit? Have I lost all credibility as a writer, a mother of three, a protestant? What am I hiding? Am I a liar or a flip-flopper?
Aw, Hill, this kind of campaigning doesn’t look good. If a few polls rattle you this badly, impair your judgment to this degree, what can we expect from you as president? And you tell us there’s more of this attack mode coming? “Now the fun begins,” you say. Will the real Hillary Clinton please stand up?
There was a time you spoke with outrage about a “vast right-wing conspiracy” and “the politics of personal destruction.” You were morally offended by the tactics; you were above all that. Until now. Until the going gets a little tougher than you expected it might be. Extremely unattractive posturing, honey.
A little friendly advice seems to be in order: If you’re really the smart, policy-savvy, experienced, ready-to-hit-the-ground-running-as-first-woman-president you say you are, stick to issues of public policy. For Lord’s sake don’t go bringing the “who’s got the better character” hoo-hah into the mix here. It’ll backfire on you. The questionable morality dilemma is not Barack Obama’s. I know it’s mighty irritating when this uppity young fella’s popular vision for change in governance punches a few holes in your mantle of inevitability, but you’ll never win by playing dirty. Especially if you look ridiculous. And with all that experience of yours, you know a smart politician doesn’t expose her own weakness. It’s not fair, but the prevailing wisdom is those troublesome character issues are your problem, not his. Best to keep that baggage in the closet — where the weight of it doesn’t land in your lap.

Linda Hansen,

1 comment:

Pris said...

Hi Linda
I think there's been a LOT more mudslinging towards Hillary. Not only with the other candidates and their supporters. Witness the 'iron my shirt' (or was in 'iron my pants'?) incident in NH. It's hard being a woman in this campaign and, while she may not be the best, I don't think we have an ideal one, in my opinion. I like Obama. I like Hilary for different reasons. I especially would love to see either an African-American man OR a female have a shot at the big seat. It's high time.

Pris Campbell
(grew up in Pageland, daughtere of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Campbell, and it's still 'home' in my heart)