Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Selling the reality of journalism
to high school students

Holding the Journal’s digital camera, Ryan Schallenberger’s eyes bugged out when he heard the price tag.
Already a bit nervous about handling professional newpaperin’ equipment, the Chesterfield High senior showed extra care toting the camera at the middle school where he received on-the-spot photography lessons.
I resisted the urge to startle him, in case the practical joke turned costly by me having to pay the company back for a camera damaged by a sudden drop.
Schallenberger, 17, was one of many Chesterfield High students out and about Wednesday shadowing professionals – I lump myself into the term for the sake of ease.
Most of what reporters do isn’t sexy.
The day is filled with phone calls, typing or just waiting on phone calls and nights are filled with ballgames or government meetings.
So, how do you sell that to students?
Interested more in sports writing, I didn’t have anything of the like planned for Schallenberger’s visit, however photography is photography and most reporters entering the field who start work at a small, weekly newspapers inevitably have to wear both hats.
So, as I interviewed Chesterfield-Ruby Middle students for an education feature, Schallenberger took the roll as rookie photographer.
The blessing of being a digital publication allowed us to review his photos on a laptop.
Hopefully, he learned a lot from my ramblings and super fast instructions in a crash course standing outside an eighth grade classroom.
I don’t play teacher that often, and I don’t self-promote (contrary to this column) when school’s invite me to speak to students or take them under my wing for a few hours.
It’s solely their time.
Prior to job shadowing, the Journal was represented Tuesday at McBee High’s annual career day where I had to explain myself and job to a mixture of middle and high school students – the home of the Panthers houses grades 7-12, by the way, and the most diverse age group I’ve encountered at a speaking event.
Motivational seminars have nothing on addressing students. They can pick apart with their questions and the answers can reinforce why one remains in a profession.
And, when something clicks in a student’s mind, it’s quite clear by their expression.
I imagine that’s the look teachers live to see. And, in a way, us “professionals” are in their shadow playing rookie educator and just as shaky as their students.

By John Davis,
staff writer

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